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A True New Yorker

I cant descirbe what I have gone through these past 18 months adequatley enough for you to all feel and understand. However I do know that miracles have not ceased. (Moroni 7:29)

I've experienced huge miracles such as having an appointment where a member can come to at the last minute. Finding the person in a sea of doors who had recently lost all hope in life. Somehow at the end of the day everything had worked out better than I had planned. And so much more.

Just as important as these “mighty miracles” are the smaller “private miracles” that teach each of us to have faith in the Lord. These come as we recognize and heed the promptings of the Spirit in our lives.

When I would cry to my Father for peace and comfort. Receiving it. That was the best part of it all. That was the miracles. The quiet assurance that I wasn't alone and Christ was there.

I have witnessed the Lord's hand in my life an innumerable amount of times as I have been in New York this past year and a half. A miracle defined for me is witnessing Christ by my side and feeling the confirmation that God does listen and answer EVERY child's prayer.

I know we choose to come to Earth. Heavenly Father gave us this beautiful place. He loves us. Christ is by our side. He is our brother. He is fighting against Satan with us. I love this beautiful gospel. It brings so much peace!

I love every single one of you. I am excited to continue progressing in this beautiful gospel and see all of you soon!

Sister Shelby Robison

Also a huge miracle that happened. I was on an exchange with a Sister missionary downtown Manhattan on Friday. As we walked into the Lincoln Square church building there was so many people waiting for the kids activities to be done. A woman was sitting on the floor and saw me walk by. She stood up and said "Sister Robison! Where are you from?" I usually reply Idaho but felt I should say Nevada. She said " I have Robison relatives in Reno Nevada!" WHAT! We pulled out our family trees and found out that we are 3rd cousins. HOW COOL IS THAT? Literally a miracle to find another Robison in NYC let alone LDS! It was amzzing because I have only met one other Robison and it was a black woman from Virginia who I met on a bus in Harlem. Tender mercies from the Lord allowing us to meet one another here. This is her ♡

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