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Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is terrifying yet the most amazing experience ever. You will see blessings and miracles come from it. We decided this week we need to find people who are ready for the gospel. When President Nelson visited our mission he told us that there are people ready. Our mission President has been saying if we want to baptize more people we need to talk to more people. As I've gone from apartment to apartment finding those who are ready I have seen so much just by standing in their doorway. - running into a less active woman of our church who doesn't have her records here. - meeting a woman in the hall who has a sweet dog (easy conversation starter) 🐕 -searching the door that has the classical improv music radiating throughout the apartment building 🎹🎶 - running into a man who has been longing for a Book of Mormon for years.📖 Beautiful moments of this week also included -our recent convert who is less active sent us a screenshot of a scripture she liked when she was having a hard day - going to the library to meet another less active and she told us how much she wants to read the scriptures and come to church but just has a hard time doing it on her own. 💒 - praying with people in the hallway, doorway and streets. 🙏🏻 -sitting in a beautiful garden in the middle of the streets and singing "All Creatures of Our God and King" 🎤 I love being surrounded by millions of people. Sometimes it causes anxiety but that's just the natural man sneaking up on me ;) I'm stronger than that! The Atonement of Jesus Christ is stronger than that and He helps me keep going! I love you all! Make it a great week and smile at those you pass by :) 😁☀️ Sister Robison

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