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Service brings forth miracles

It's amazing how much prayers really are answered. I can never testify enough. God listens. For general conference I was seeking to know how I can better use service in my life. I loved Sister Oscarsons talk. Everything she said revolved around the ability to serve. I love how she said that the best service is right within our family. It is within the reach of our social circle. This week has been a result of that. I have been looking for multiple opportunities to serve those around me. Trying to serve the world can be hard. But it takes just one kind act at a time. Yesterday we went to go see if a less active was home. As we approached the apartment building a lady opened the door and asked what we were doing. We noticed she had a few painting in her hands and asked to help. She said that would be nice. As we moved closer to the elevator we found she had many canvases. They were different African art works she had displayed. We helped her take them up to her apartment where there was so much more scattered around the tiny apartment! She was so happy and kept saying that God is aware and has a perfect plan. She described her love for art and the spirit she feels. We testified of the holy ghost and bore testimony of The Book of Mormon. It was beautiful and she is now coming to the church for a tour this week. The spirit is a beautiful thing. As we listen to it and heed the quiet voice we will find those we can help. I love this gospel! I know my savior loves me. Sister Robison

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