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My sould did rejoice

"But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance." - 1 Nephi 1:20 There has been too many miracles to count this week. I will share a few. The other night we were walking down the street on our way home when I saw a woman struggling with some bags. I offered to help and she was so excited for it! She spoke hardly any English but showed so much gratitude. She is 7 months pregnant with her first child, a girl. She came to N.Y. a year ago. She is adorable. When we got to the laundromat she threw her arms over us and said "I love you!" Service is the ultimate language of love. Last night we went to go find a less active but she was not home. We decided to knock on some doors. We knocked on one because I had heard them I side earlier. They told us they were not interested. I asked if they knew anyone in need of a prayer. Silence for a few seconds then "no." I stuck a card in the door and walked on. Then a woman opens the door and says "excuse me. We need a prayer." We walk in and it was incredible. We started talking and realized that they were so ready to receive the gospel. Their situations have been preparing them. And they were interested. As we spoke mainly of the gospel of Christ and shared our light they were intruiged. One was a school teacher and said she was interested also because we were so knowledgeable. That was a compliment to me! I loved it. Miracles all around. We are going to the temple this Saturday with our recent converts! I have been working on this for 3 1/2 months. I am so excited for them to feel the spirit!!! Things are wonderful in the work of the Lord. Blessings and miracles as you "worry less and trust more." I know our Savior lives and loves us too. Heavenly Father really does hear and answer EVERY child's prayer. Families can be together forever. I love you all! Sister Robison

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