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Can you feel so now?

Ephesians 1 2 Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: I love the scriptures so much. I feel such a calmness when I read them every morning. With the sun streaming in my window and the quietness of the morning. What a wonderful way to start the day! Missionary work is never the same daily. I never know who I will meet or what kind of things I will see. For example this morning while we were on the way to the grocery store we saw a cow skeleton on the sidewalk...... not really the kind of place you usually see one. Or the other day we saw this man just dancing in the middle of the street in downtown Manhattan. Different things each day. I love that this life is to gain experience. We have the choice to accept or disregard the teaching of Christ and or the world. I choose to follow Christ. That is when I am most happy. Don't get me wrong, there is always trials. There was a time when I was about 13-16 I didn't really believe there was a God and I had no idea that I was his daughter. I felt no worth. I had to go through different trials of my faith to get where I am today. I do not regret anything. I am so thankful for why I was faced with. Just like Adam and Eve had to sin to find great joy. Not saying we all need to sin in order to find Jesus. I am just grateful for trials so I can find me everlasting joy through my Jesus. This week was hard. Not extremely hard but there was bumps in the road.the weather didn't help much either. Funny how the weather plays a huge part on emotions. We took it easy this week and I had a lot of doubts as to if my investigators are really converted to the lord. I was disappointed yesterday as none of my investigators came to church. However, my companion and I had the beautiful opportunity to teach Relief Society again. It was on "Daughter of God". The spirit was so strong. I felt God's love for each one of those women. I was filled with the Spirit and love. I know that it was from God. This week I was studying the Plan of Salvation. I realized that I have had a lot of questions as to why am I on earth and will I live with my family forever? That is my deepest desire. To dwell in extreme happiness with My God, My Savior and my family. All I desire in life is to be worthy to be in the Celestial kingdom with all of you. I am going to work my hardest to get there, I hope all of you do too. I know this is the true church of GOD. There is truth in every church but now ALL truth can be found anywhere else. As we come to understand the doctrine of a Christ we understand the why to the commandments. They are a protection. Over from god. He loves us. He is merciful. I am thankful for repentance. The ability to see ourselves the way God sees us. A new light and determination to be better. I love it!!!! Keep smiling and enjoying the sunlight. "My plea is that we stop speaking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight." - President Gordon B Hinckley Sister Robison

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