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That's right. I am in THE BRONX!


This place is amazing. I feel right at home. The best part is, Sister Zelaya my trainer served in this area! It is really amazing because her work has still left an impact here and I am so happy I get to see it. My new companion Sister Heiner is AMAZING! She is the funniest and nerdiest person alive, I love it. She is so confident and comfortable with herself. She is a dancer, singer and actress. Of course she was meant to come to New York ;) I love her. It has been a really fun week. We have a lot of people who are willing to listen to us and want to be taught. Everyone here is so nice and friendly. I love talking to people here! There is also a place called Hunts point in my area that is only open to us during the day time hours. Those people there have had a rough life and don't know anything better. We met a women yesterday who is searching for a better life. When we got there she was so excited to see us. She wants to change but has these awful desires and it's harder to act on her words. She recognizes all of this! How incredible? A few hours after we saw her she Facebook video called us and told us she had started reading the Book of Mormon. She is so cool :) I feel very humbled here. I feel at home. I feel so much love and joy. I am excited to see what this area has in store for me. I am so excited to be here and happier than I have been in a very long time. Heavenly Father truly is amazing and knows our hearts so perfectly. I hit 9 months on Saturday! My roommates and companion are the cutest and helped me celebrate right :) We went to a Diner called George's and had the biggest breakfast ever! We all wanted to vomit afterwards, but it was worth it! I am a happy missionary and loving life :) I love all of you! Have a great week! Funny conversation of the week : *knocking on the door* Jolie " Who is it?" Us "The missionaries. Is Jolie home?" Jolie "um... no. I'll let her know you came by." US "Is Anne home?" Jolie "no. I'll let her know you came by too." Us " okay. What's your name?" Jolie "ummm... I'll let them know you came by!" Hahaha oh boy. I love missionary work. Love y'all! Sister Robison This man came out of the Diner and wanted to get in my picture. Hahaha!

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