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"When life gives you lemons you add sugar and water" - JJ

Oh my heavens, this week was one to remember. One night we were walking home and we met this wonderful women named JJ. She was the funniest! As we were walking we talked with her and she turns to me and says "My, her cheeks are glowing! Making me flustered." HAHAHAH I couldn't stop laughing. Then as we were parting ways she told us to "don't drink to much white wine now!". Oh boy how I love these Harlemites. The moto that JJ gave us describes my week perfectly. I as you probably all know am very honest about how hard my mission has been for me. I do not regret any of the trials I have been faced with. Ether 12:27 "I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; ... if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." I am completely and 100% grateful for each one of them. Because specifically this week I relearned a wonderful lesson. I learned about the enabling power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I learned of Hope. I learned of repentance. This week was one of the hardest I have been through. It didn't help that the week was cold and dark either. Matched my emotions all to well. This week I said "The day is dark and dreary." then Sister Kelly replied "But my heart is light and fluffy!". How can you not love that? She is to good to me and has helped me so much this week. Companions are the best. Especially this one. Friday was the worst day and I felt like giving up. Nothing was going right and it was tearing me apart on the inside. I could not smile, feel love or anything. I just wanted to go home and sleep forever. That night Sister Kelly really showed so much love and concern for me. She helped me to vocalize what I was feeling and counseled me to call upon the Master Healer. (By the way it is an amazing talk this past conference you should all read this week!). I am so grateful for her love and concern. It helped me realize as well that I am trying my hardest and God does not want me to be sad. Sunday was the best day. By far. Usually is anyway. I love Sundays. I felt so much peace and felt healed. Jacob 2:8 "come up hither to hear the pleasing word of God, yea, the word which healeth the wounded soul." I literally felt a healing in my soul. Oh how I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I love that I can go to church weekly to escape the pains and sufferings of the world and think of my SAVIOR and all he has done for me. How marvelous! Everything went right and even better than planned. Heavenly Father truly wants us to be happy. He pains when we are sad and when we do his will he will give us blessings. I know that being obedient to ALL commandments truly are a protection and bring happiness. I am so thankful for this gospel that brings peace an hope to my life. To end the wonderful day we met with my favorite Less Active: Sister Wilkes. After we got done with our lesson we got in the elevator and she just hugged me. I love her so much. She is an amazing soul and am so grateful I get to help her. Literally one of the best things about being in the YSA ward is that all of them become my best friends. Last week she told me "If you leave me, I am never coming to church." HAHA oh my goodness. She is such a stinker. I love you All so much! There is always to much to say and never enough time. Love, Sister Robison

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