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Harlem is my home

Hello Family! Alma 26:12 "Therefore, let us glory, yea, we will glory in the Lord; yea, we will rejoice, for our joy is full; yea, we will praise our God forever. Behold, who can glory too much in the Lord? Yea, who can say too much of his great power, and of his mercy, and of his long-suffering towards the children of men? Behold, I say unto you, I cannot say the smallest part which I feel." My week summed up in a scripture from The Book of Mormon. 👌🤘 I am sure all of you are aware that the missionaries have a lot of new changes. Schedule wise and how we track our weeks numbers. After Wednesday I have felt so much lifted off my shoulders. I feel so light and energized! A lot of stress and pressure has been taken away :) yay! Of course there is always stress but a little less now. We had interviews with President on Thursday and he bought the Sisters lunch and sat with us. As we ate he was telling us about comparititis. It is a disease some Sister Missionaries get. He was talking about how he has seen that Elders usually come out not knowing why they are here, most even come just because it is their priesthood duty, but Sisters already come out with the why. Which puts them on a higher level starting out. But then as the Elders grow the Sisters slowly slip down because they compare too much. He talked about how Sister Smith and Him learned how to overcome that on their missions. He told us that as we learn that here we will become better daughters, wives and mothers. Immediately I made it a goal to stop vocalizing my thoughts of comparison with others. Step by step. I have already seen such an improvement. More positive and happiness! I look up to President and Sister Smith so much. They are incredible role models and examples. I am so lucky to have them. This week has been so much better than the last. A growth and a light has come into my heart. I have asked for more charity, patience and faith. Something I've also come to re-learn is that happiness is a decision not circumstance. It is so true, I felt like I needed to have the best day planned out for it to make me happy but that's not the real point. Make it a great day based on your faith and joy in the atonement of our savior. My bishop had us do a exercise. Close your eyes and imagine the happiest moment in your life so far. Think about it and who you were with. Do you want that happiness all the time? It is so possible to have that everyday!! Because of Jesus Christ. Oh man. It is so true. This week we went by a lady named Charmaines. She is older but we decided to go look her up because she has seen past missionaries. As we got there she opened her door and gave us a half smile like "" before she let us go to fast we asked if we could share a video. We pulled out Because of Him and stood their in her doorway. 3 minutes pass and I look up. She has tears running down her face and she says "thank you. Thank you so much." It was a tender mercy. We talked more and after we said a prayer with her she said " please don't forget about me! Don't let me slip through the cracks again." If that doesn't make you want to cry I don't know what does. I am so thankful for my calling as a missionary. I am grateful for repentance and Jesus Christ. I love my God, he is my father. I love you all! Sister Robison Haha I threw this last picture in because I knew all of you would get a good laugh. Love you all! PS. Harlem Shake is the best! They even put bacon in the right chocolate shakes. It sounds gross but is so good.

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