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December is here!

Dear Family! Oh my... December already? How did this happen? I feel like it was Summer only yesterday. I guess I have just been working to hard to notice ;) haha just kidding. This week I was on a spiritual high. We have been working our tails off! We had Zone Conference on Thursday and I looooove it. The meetings are one of the best times I have here on the mission. I get to see all the missionaries and the spirit is so strong. Plus I see President and Sister Smith. I can not describe how much I love them. After Zone Conference I was filled with a new sense of determination. Heavenly Father truly does answer and hear our prayers. we found 8 new investigators this past week. It was really fun to talk with everyone and be bold. I have come to realize I have a power and a real light. people can see it. I stand out and it is for a reason. I am not meant to blend in and be one of them. I am a representative of Jesus Christ. I have been taking that very seriously this week. Yesterday was amazing too. we had spiritual lesson after spiritual lesson. With our wonderful Chinese investigators we had a lesson of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We sat down and told them pretty much they have to do these things to go to heaven. We invited them to be baptized on Dec 31st and they said they aren't ready. we asked them to pray with us right there and ask God. Zhuge said she couldn't promise that she would get an answer. I looked at her dead in the eyes and said "As representatives of Jesus Christ I promise you will get an answer." I have never prayed so hard in my life. I have never done that before either. As she prayed (and she has prayed many times before and hasn't gotten an answer) I was pleading with God to answer her Prayer. give her something. She ended the prayer and my companion and I sat there for a minute and we all sat in silence for 5 minutes. Then JiQi said she got an answer. and Zhuge did too! they didn't feel like it is time yet but they did receive an answer! I KNOW God answers our prayers. Jacob 7: 22-23 "...he had heard my cry and answered my prayer. 23 And it came to pass that peace and the love of God was restored again among the people; and they searched the scriptures..." I love this gospel. I love my savior. I feel so privileged I get to go around each day and wear his name next to mine. I love my name. I love my God. I love you all. I love NYC. (Never thought I would say that..) I love my life. Have a wonderful week! Sister Robison

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