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God is our Loving Heavenly Father

Dear Family, I am going to try and talk more about my miracles and experiences. I know, I haven't been the best at it ;) #repentanceiscool - quoted by Mission President Smith HA! The first experience.... SO we met up with this Chinese lady who has been having a very rough past few weeks. She just broke up with her boyfriend, she has no friends here in America and she misses China... Hard life. oh yeah and top on that school work from an Ivy league University. Anyways, we met up with her and she wanted to go get some coffee. So we go and try to find a coffee shop and she starts to walk into a bar and burger joint..... ummmm yeah we followed. You can guess that we didn't teach much because the spirit was not there. It was only 3 in the afternoon so there was no one drinking but the music was loud and it just was dumb of us to go in. Missionaries are not perfect. In case you were thinking otherwise. We had an INCREDIBLE YSA regional sacrament meeting on Sunday. Our wonderful YSA's had a weekend full of boat cruise and mingling and being uplifted by none other than Brad Wilcox. Yeah. He was legit. It was amazing too because we had a ton of less active members show up and we had two of our wonderful Chinese investigators come! It was so fun :) I love sacrament. Then on Monday we taught those same Chinese girls who came to sacrament. It was a miracle. We had a member scheduled to come with us to a lesson at 6:30...the only problem was that we didn't have one scheduled. When we met up with her we talked for her with a bit and said we had to message our investigators to see if they were on campus(praying they were and we could see them now). And they were! And we did!!! When we came with our member they were so excited. In their adorable prayers they both thanked God for the new friend and hoped they could have a lasting friendship. SO tender. We then taught the plan of salvation and they asked pretty intense questions for coming from a anti religious country. It was crazy. It just proves that these people are searching for more. Something in thier souls reaches out for more. I love it. Transfers have also come and gone. I am now 6 months into the mission. I have a new companion, Sister Lin. SHE IS ADORABLE! She is from China about 45 mins from Hong Kong. She is a convert of 4 years to the church. She moved by herself to the USA for high school and went to a catholic school. Then her senior year she was baptized! He dad has been a member for 20 years and her mom is not a member because she has not been in the states long enough to get baptized. One

day :) Sister Lin, when she came to the USA was living in......none other than.... SANTA ROSA CALIFORNIA. Tender mercy. It reminds me of my sweet jessy. I LOVE IT! Oh how God is good. He loves us SO much. He knows our wants and hears our pleas. He cries with us. He smiles with us. I LOVE HIM!!! Life is good, even when it is so hard. I love you all! Thank you so much for all the support and love. I can feel it and it makes me stronger. Love, Sister Robison

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