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Chinese, Spanish and English...........OH MY!!

Dear Family! This week has been one of the most incredible and hectic weeks :) I love being a missionary! I feel like every week I say that. It is so true. Sister Pressley is incredible! She has helped me become the obedient consecrated missionary I have dreamed of becoming. I'm not saying I am that missionary just because she came here, but she has helped me to stick to my goals I make each week. We are becoming more dedicated to the work than ever before. The spirit I feel with her is so amazing! So strong. I love it. It has helped me to want to be the best missionary and person I can. To always have the Holy Ghost with me. As we stay true and pure to the commandments of God we can ALWAYS have that joyful feeling. Just like President Nelson said in this General Conference " We can feel joy even while having a bad day, a bad week, or even a bad year!" Go and reread this talk. Inspiring! "Joy and Spiritual Survival"

This week I have been learning a bit of Chinese since my companion speaks it and we are around a very large population of Mandarin speakers. It is incredible the different language we have around this world. Different cultures and upbringings. Yet we are all children of God. No more is this scripture true Mosiah 3:13 "And the Lord God hath sent his holy prophets among all the children of men, to declare these things to every kindred, nation, and tongue, that thereby whosoever should believe that Christ should come, the same might receive remission of their sins, and rejoice with exceedingly great joy, even as though he had already come among them." I get to be doing that! Although I don't speak another language, I still get to be apart of bringing it to those that do! This work is amazing. We were taking a survey right outside the subway yesterday and I met so many people who felt they knew who God was and that he knew them. Yet they felt like they still didn't know their purpose in life. It was incredible for me to be able to help them and give them knowledge that their is a purpose. I also met a man who said he didn't know how to formally pray, but talked with God daily. He said that he knows God is aware of him because he has helped him change. And his goal is to change the world. He then said to me " just like you. You may not be rich, but you are changing the world." It was such a sweet tender moment for me. To just have met this man and talked with him for literally 2 minutes and he already understood my purpose. He saw the light of Christ and felt my authority as a missionary. How amazing?!? I love every bit of what I do. I am exhausted day in and day out. I wouldn't change it for the world. I went to Chinatown and Little Italy today!!! A sister and I were talking about how we have the best mission in the world. Hands down because we get to experience all these wonderful things all at once. (Sorry George... mine is the best mission ;) ) I am so grateful for all your support, prayers and love! Thank you all!!!! I love ya all so much!!! Sister Robison

Brooklyn Bridge!

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