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Cycle 2 in Middletown New York! YESSSSSS. :)

Dear Wonderful Family, How wonderful the summer is. It is waaaaayy humid and hot here :) We have had some rain storms here and there. They are really cool. It rains A LOT here. Sister Zelaya said I should probably buy some good rain boots....... so we are trying to find some, but it is summer!All they are selling in the stores are flip flops...oh man. I love it. This week was way fun. We had so many miracles! Heavenly Father has definitely blessed me a ton this week. I haven't been to afraid to go up and talk with people. Last Saturday we were in Port Jervis. A super cute small old town. We were there trying to meet up with an investigator, she wasn't home. Sister Zelaya wanted to stay a bit and wait. I wanted to go and walk and talk with people.... It was so polar opposite! I am usually the one who wants to wait around, but it was an incredible night. We met this guy sitting on his porch with his friend drinkin' some beers. We started talking with him about the Polish flag on his house. Turns out his wife is from Poland. Anyway, he looks at our hands an says "I see you both have rings on your left hands... are you married to Jesus?" HAHAH I busted up laughing. Oh man. It was awesome. Then we talked about how Joseph Smith was actually in Upstate New York and his eyes got all big and he kinda rocked forth and said "WHAT! No way!!!That is so cool. I thought it was all Utah." He really got a kick out of that. A lot of people here do. Figures ;) Then we met these super cute little old ladies sitting on their porch. We meet a lot of people that way. They said they had been friends for 50 years and one of the ladies lived across street. How cute?!?!?! They were so not interested in our message but they loved our happiness and smiles. It was a wonderful night. Another way fun thing that happened was yesterday. We were walking around this complex trying to find an apartment when we saw this lady with a cute skirt. We always get excited about it because then it is a great into!Well her sons came up because they thought we were Jehovah Witnesses and were like "Nope. My mom is not getting caught in that!" But they really liked us and invited us into their home. HAHAHA! they gave us cold water bottles and we asked if we could share a message with them. One guy named Majeek said "do we need to light some candles?" HAHAHAH oh man. I was like..... ummmmmmm, no???? His bother named Montree started laughing so hard. It was cool. We got to share the whole restoration and when we were done they said "is that it?" we had been there for about 30 minutes! so we invited them to be baptized and they said no but invited us to a BBQ next month. HA! people are interesting. As I have been out here each day I am forever thankful that I have been raised in the gospel. Sometimes people say "well you just don't understand what it is like outside of your religion" it kinda irritates me and makes me want to punch them in the throat... but then I say " you are right, but I don't want to know" because i know how incredible the blessings are. I know that God loves us. I know that there IS a God. I know Jesus is our brother. It is such a peace and gift I wish people would take advantage of. OH well.... they have agency... We don't get many bad rejections. I think I have only really got two. They weren't even that bad. Just two ladies who opened the door, looked at us and said " I am not interested. Bye." and slammed the door. We mostly laugh instead of get discouraged. So don't worry to much about it :) When we get rejected it is mostly like, " well that is nice. but no thanks" or we get all their contact info and they ignore us.... I would rather them tell me to my face they don't want to learn instead of be a wimp and hide from me. Sorry, that was rude. It is the truth though. I love New York. I love upstate. I could stay here for my whole mission. it is so beautiful. I cant imagine Winter here though.....crazy. I love y'all. I love being a missionary. I love Jesus Christ. I love God. Thank you all for the support!!!! It means the world to me. Love your missionary, Sister Robison

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