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"Turn outward as Christ has done"

Hello my beautiful wonderful amazing family!!

First off, I love you all so much! Thank you for sending me the wonderful letters! They are so inspiring and incredible.

Alright this is for you dad.

Daily life as a pilot missionary.

Our schedules are much different than a typical missionary. We don't have as much on our schedule. Mostly because they are giving us the responsibility to figure out what to do during the day. Such as personal and companion study. Preparing for lessons. Reading our missionary books. Also, this one is a big difference, we schedule our own investigators!! So typically the MTC will give you a set investigator that you teach throughout the week. We still get that but we also have to find 5 more investigators that we find ourselves. They give us this pdf that has a list of the investigators we can reach out to. We email them and set up a lesson. So far Sister Jacobsen and I have 6 investigators. Kayla (our first) Adriana (our second that they assigned us) Denis, Andrew, Brooke and Kelsea. (Who we reached out to). I reallllllyy love that we get to do it. It makes it way more personal. It is also to help us be more prepared for the field. Because no matter how much we would like, the church isn't going to set up lessons for us in NY.

So we don't have a set schedule everyday. So it's hard to say what I do daily. But the major part is, wake up @6:30 have gym at 6:40 eat at about 8. Then get to work until 9:30.

Also I sent you a letter with my companion and district info. So just wait to read about that :) I'll just say. Our district is amazing. We are all kinda older. Meaning most of us are 19 and 20. I love it! We only have one 18 year old Elder but he is turning 19 soon. So can I say blessing? I was really worried.

Also Sister Jacobsen and I are Online Coordinators. Meaning we are in charge of all the online assignments we have to do. We have to remind do our district about them and if they have any tech problems they come to us.... haha I have to work really hard but it is such a blessing!

I am learning so much here. It is insane! If you saw me now, you wouldn't recognize me! I feel so different. Yet I feel like this is who I was meant to be.

They say that you just need to make it to Sunday. WRONG. You just need to make it to first P-Day. Don't get me wrong. Sunday was amazing. But I still was freaking out and not relaxed. Today has been sooooo good. We just got done at the temple. Our whole district did an endowment session. It was so good to be back at the temple. I felt right at home. The Provo Temple is an older temple for sure. Hahaha I wasn't used to that. It's also like 3 stories! Much more different than Boise! But I still love it. However Boise will probably be my favorite forever. :) never thought I would say that.

The MTC is hard. Much harder than I had ever expected. Some days are way harder than most. But my companion helps me so much. She really cares and loves me. It's really nice to have that here. We are different. But the same. We have more differences however. But it is so great. Because I am learning to not have everything my way and make it the Lords way!!!

I love you all so much. I talk about you all the time. I love explaining my family dynamic :) it makes the Missionaries faces go all scrunched! Haha it's so great!

I didn't take any pictures on my devices yet. All my district has them. So when they send me them, I will send them to you all!

I want to end with my testimony.

God is our loving Heavenly Father. He has created this beautiful pain for us so we can grow and be like him. So we can live with him. Some days are hard. Sometimes you don't want to get out of bed and get ready. Some days you think you can't do it. Don't lose Faith. He is there. He will bless you for trying your hardest. He wants you to succeed and he will be there picking you up when you fall. Jesus Christ loves you as well. He is carrying most of the burden. We just can't see it. Don't whine and cry that life is hard. Because you aren't even getting the hardest part of it. Pray for his help and love. He will power it out if you keep pushing forward. David A Bednar said " don't turn to the natural man and turn inward. Turn outward as Christ has done." I know that if we do turn outward, even during our hardest time. We will feel peace and happiness.

I hope this email makes sense :) I will get better! I hope haha :)

Love your missionary, Sister Robison

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