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Decision to Serve

It is not a commandment for 19 year old girls to serve a full-time mission. However, I have decided I will go and serve the Lord.

3 years ago in October 2012 President Thomas S Monson of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints announced the age change for missionaries.

You can read about it in this link!

During this time I had an older brother who was serving a full-time mission in the Kennewick Washington Mission.

I also had another brother who was going to begin his mission paperwork.

He recently just returned home from serving his full-time mission in the Manila Philippians Mission.

Having my two older brothers be an example of followers of Christ, it influenced me to want to do that as well. I wanted to be a Sister Missionary. Not only for myself or for my little sister and family. But for the people I will serve and teach. To be a hand in the Lords work. To be a light amidst the darkness.

I have a Testimony of this restored gospel. I know that Joseph Smith did in fact restore Christs true church to the Earth. That our Father in Heaven loves each and every single one of us. We are his children. He sent his son, Jesus Christ, to this Earth so he could die on the cross and suffer all the pains and afflictions we face. So we can live with him again and not be alone. He was resurrected and does live today! I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know it to be the most true book on this earth.

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